CREATE Monthly PI Seminar Series May 2015
Event Date: 08 May 2015 03:00 AM - 08 May 2015 04:00 AM
Event Venue: CREATE Theatrette, CREATE Tower (Level 2)
Monthly Principal Investigator
Seminar Series
Friday 8 May 2015, 11am
CREATE Theatrette, Tower Block, Level 2
Dr Heiko Aydt, TUM CREATE
Seminar Title: Holistic Electro-mobility Simulation
Transforming the existing traffic environment of an entire city into an all-electric transport environment is challenging for many reasons. One issue that is central to this challenge is the expected impact of several hundred thousand electric vehicles on the infrastructure of a city such as Singapore. Although there are many electric vehicle test-beds and test-fleets around the globe, there is no precedence case for introducing electric vehicles on a large scale. However, such a transformation can be expected to have significant impact on the urban infrastructure. For example, it is important to evaluate the impact of an extensive charging infrastructure on the local power grid. In the realm of electro-mobility it is not enough to look at individual sub-systems (e.g., traffic system or power system) in isolation. Instead, a holistic approach is needed that analyses the entire system to study the interactions and inter-dependencies between the various sub-systems and components. Exploring alternative scenarios for large-scale electro-mobility can only be done by means of simulation. For this purpose, TUM CREATE has developed the SEMSim Platform that allows its users to perform holistic electro-mobility simulation studies. This talk gives an overview of the SEMSim Platform and related case studies.
Prof Markus Kraft, CARES C4T
Seminar Title: Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things and the Jurong Island Eco-industrial Park
This talk presents new insights into the implementation of Industry 4.0 technologies (novel mathematical and computer-based methods) for designing and optimising the eco-industrial park (EIP) similar to Jurong Island in Singapore. The concept of Industry 4.0 translation to an EIP is introduced, which delivers an expert system allowing users to monitor, control, and optimise the social, economic and environmental repercussions of the industrial activities on Jurong Island. This expert system is a cyber-infrastructure making use of the latest advances in high performance computing (HPC), advanced mathematical modelling, and semantic web technologies. The proposed work addresses end-user driven demands by harnessing HPC resources and advanced data analytics to enable intelligent design, operation, and management of all entities on Jurong Island. The outcome of the work can serve stakeholders from both the private and public sectors.
Lunch and networking will commence shortly after the seminars.