CREATE Monthly PI Seminar Series (October)
Event Date: 02 Oct 2015 03:00 AM - 02 Oct 2015 05:00 AM
Event Venue: Tower Building, Level 2, CREATE Seminar Room
Dear all,
The next Monthly Seminar Series by CREATE PIs is on 2 Oct 2015, 11am, CREATE Seminar Room. It will be chaired by Prof Lee Pooi See.
The speakers are:
Prof Robert Marks - “Biosensors: A tale of two cities”
Monitoring health and environment is critical for our wellbeing and therefore our world requires ever faster, stringent and precise detection tools, which biosensors thrive to answer. We will first introduce this need as well as how biosensors, being multidisciplinary in scope, can be an answer to the problem (chemistry, molecular biology, physics, data mining and chemical engineering). Indeed, our two main biosensor categories can be divided into the use of either living microorganisms reporter systems or affinity-based bioreceptors. Our devices are meant for point-of-care, on-site or flow-through sensing. An example of sensors we have extensively developed are chemiluminescence-based fiber-optic immunosensors to viral pathogens (Ebola, Dengue, Hepaptitis C, West Nile virus, Rift Valley fever) – the BioPen concept. Other examples are biochip immunosensors based on electrogenerated films deposited on ITO chip surfaces; magnetic liquid fiber guide immunosensors; diagnostic phagocytic chemiluminescent imprints to identify clinical ailments or other techniques still in development such as the detection of negative stranded RNA viruses (CCHF, influenza) using reverse genetics cell sensors or the use of nanosructures for enhanced immunosensors or metal enhanced bioluminescence. We will first introduce briefly the extensive work that has been carried out at the Ben Gurion University of the Negev and how much of it has actually been validated using real-life samples from various continents. Once introduced, we will move onto the biosensor work developed together with institutions in Singapore. Indeed, we have progressed on toxicant monitoring using bioluminescent bioreporter biosensors, including those based on fiber optic or liquid light guides, while patenting at CREATE new systems. We have developed and patented an electrolateral flow immunosensor device for pathogen detection in either the environment or physiological fluids, and for which we were granted both an NRF POC and a SMART Innovation grant, and which we hope to incorporate in the near future. We have developed a number of collaborations with other institutions in Singapore (DSO, Temasek polytechnic, AStar, NUS,…) and look forward to expanding these.
Prof Shlomo Magdassi - “3D and functional printing”
Our research is mainly focused on synthesis and formulations of nanomaterials, and their utilization as “inks” for functional and 3D printing, for a variety of applications. Recent discoveries enabled implementation of these inks in plastics electronics, such as transparent conductors for smartphones and 3D printed circuit boards.Our findings enabled fabrication of inkjet printed touch screens, light sensors, plastic electroluminescent devices, smart windows, solar cells, and most recently, 4D printed responsive devices. Some of the research activities led to licensing and foundation of start-up companies.
We hope to see you there!